Saturday, October 29, 2016


Pressures at work tend to peak in midlife and take their toll not only on health but also on family relationships and social life.Many ambitious people eventually rise to a slightly above level where they are competent and even high achievers may fell a threat from younger colleagues and worry about declining status. There comes even a point of life, no matter how successful one’s career,when one feel and old hand rather than a rising star.Though some people would welcome the role offender,others suffer self-doubt,nostalgia and regret forest opportunities,leading to jealousy,a need to prove themselves or competitiveness towards junior staff.So to keep pace with changes in new roles artwork keep these in mind:

*Older workers have professional advantages such as experience and maturity.

*Don’t strive too hard to join younger social circles you are needed as a mentor- not a drinking or gossip companion

*Think of age as adding to your role, not diminishing it.You belong to the generation with expertise and experience to pass on.

*Take advantage of youthful enthusiasm where delegating will help you and give others a chance to prove themselves.

*Accept and enjoy any teaching or coaching responsibilities assigned to you


Silence is not only external manifestation but more on the internal aspect. Amidst the high technology of modernisation it may be difficult to cultivate inner silence;almost everyone is confronted with busyness,noisiness, worldliness, hastiness and superficiality. Silence is the great unknown source of power - it gives fullness of the spirit and it is the source of most healing,both body,mind, and spirit. Be silent and be deep and strong.